Tuesday, June 23, 2015

React Js -- Modern Framework

React.js (http://facebook.github.io/react/)
It’s a Library created by Facebook and Instagram to create views. It’s not a framework, so let’s not waste time in comparing it with Angular (Apples don’t get compared with Oranges J).it’s just concentrating on view layer ,which it’s good at.

Why it’s fast?
It uses a virtual DOM, and syncs only the changed parts with the underlying page (accessing the DOM is still the slowest part of a modern web application, which is why the framework gets a performance boost by optimizing it).

How to write React?
1.) Create a component using React.createClass and then render
var component = React.createClass({
//your code
render: function() {};
2.) use React.render(<component/>.document.body);

JSX – Allows us to write HTML like syntax which gets transformed to lightweight JavaScript objects.
Virtual DOM  - A JavaScript representation of the actual DOM.
React.createClass – The way in which you create a new component.
render (method) – What we would like our HTML Template to look like.
React.render – Renders a React component to a DOM node.
state – The internal data store (object) of a component.
getInitialState – The way in which you set the initial state of a component.
setState – A helper method for altering the state of a component.
props – The data which is passed to the child component from the parent component.
propTypes – Allows you to control the presence, or types of certain props passed to the child component.
getDefaultProps – Allows you to set default props for your component.
Component LifeCycle
componentWillMount – Fired before the component will mount
componentDidMount – Fired after the component mounted
componentWillReceiveProps – Fired whenever there is a change to props
componentWillUnmount – Fired before the component will unmount

simplest React example:
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>,

Note :check in Next Blog to Build React app with Grunt.

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