As a Developer you need to generate SSH Keys to talk to your Repositories on a Server.
In short, a public key is stored on the Repository server and a private key is stored on your local workstation.
I have tried to gather few steps below to generate SSH keys below, in further posts i'd include how to clone Repositories from Git Server with the help of SSH keys
I have tried to gather few steps below to generate SSH keys below, in further posts i'd include how to clone Repositories from Git Server with the help of SSH keys
1.)Download PuttyGen from the below link :
3,) Click on Generate
4.) Keep moving your mouse in the blank space until the progress bar completes, in that way PuttyGen knows you are human, lame :)
5.) And your keys are Geneated , boy that was easy :D
6.)You can copy the keys from the above area and paste it your Stash or Github server for further use .This will be your public key generated
7.) Save and store Private key to a Folder for future usage .
8.) Go to File and Exit PuttyGen
Now you can use this SSH keys to talk to your Server, Remember while cloning you need to paste correct keys to server in case there are multiple keys on local
Conclusion :
Private Keys is at your local machine and public key copied to Server and that how they connect making public -private key pair
Conclusion :
Private Keys is at your local machine and public key copied to Server and that how they connect making public -private key pair
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